Monday, December 20, 2010

ONE Commitment

There was some big news in the past about Southland Christian Church purchasing the old Lexington Mall property.  Well, if you're interested in reading about the potential ministry and the opportunity to serve the people of this town, check out their blog.

Since our family calls Southland 'home,' we were asked to make a commitment for the future of this site.  Through a series of very powerful and moving sermons and bible studies, we were compelled to reconsider our financial status as a family and think sacrificially for this building project.  Nate and I sat together for a few nights looking at our budget and thinking, "What can we give above and beyond our tithe?"  We crunched numbers, we shaved off in certain budget categories, and we thought about what else we could do to help invest in other's futures. 

And now you're probably wondering what this has to do with photography, well...I thought how I can use my gifts and talents sacrificially.  And so we brainstormed and here's what we came up with...

*any wedding I'm hired to shoot at SCC, my earnings go toward the ONE campaign.
*any photo shoot to take place at SCC (ie: family, senior, etc) my earnings will go toward the ONE campaign.
*I can schedule seasonal family sessions (just like fall and winter mini sessions) on location at SCC, and guess what I would do with my earnings...that's right, to the ONE campaign.

So if you call Southland home, have another church home, don't have a church's one way to help the communities of Lexington and Nicholasville.  Just another way for our family to give back to the community.  :)

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