hot fudge and strawberry...i don't mean fresh strawberries, i'm talking the sweet stuff loaded with sugar!
{three} do you own slippers?
{four} did you ever have a tree house?
no, but dad built a pretty awesome playhouse
{five} how you do relieve stress?
cry...i'm a woman. :) or make a list of everything i need to do before going to bed. then spend about 30 minutes getting as much done on that list as i can. at least i made progress so i can rest easy...and that's why i'm up tonight.
{six} what’s your favorite dr. seuss book?
green eggs and ham.
{seven} have you ever taken dance classes?
nope, but did gymnastics for two years. apparently i didn't like the hard-core parents of the other gymnasts, so i my mother tells me.
{eight} which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary?
how about spell check?! haha...well, i'd say thesaurus.
{nine} what’s your favorite form of exercise?
yoga! became a huge fan when i was preggo.
{ten} what’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line?
probably at the post office...or some 'customer service' phone number for credit card, phone, etc.
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